Ferienhaus "Green Hill" Monschau • Familie Lambertz • D-52156 Monschau • Tel. (0 24 72) 72 89 • mobil (01 70) 944 45 20


Responsible for the content:

Heinrich und Marion Lambertz
Elsenborner Str. 23
D-52156 Monschau - Kalterherberg
phone: +49 (24 72) 7289
mobile: +49 (1 70) 944 45 20
email: info@ferienhaus-green-hill.de


By judgment of May 12, 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Liability for links", the district court (LG) in Hamburg has decided that by adding a link, the site owner may be responsible for the contents of the linked site(s). According to the LG, this can only be prevented by explicitly distancing oneself from these contents. Therefore, we dissociate ourselves from all contents of all external websites, which can be reached by links from our website. The links are randomly checked and removed immediately if pages should be retrieved that e.g. offend against laws or good morals.

Design, images, technical realisation:

Frank Ingermann • In den Stecken 11
D-52156 Monschau • Tel. +49 (0) 2472 987 911
E-Mail: info@frankingermann.de
All images on this site are © Frank Ingermann